Java, originally called Oak, is an object-oriented programming language, developed by James Gosling of Sun Microsystems and released in 1995. In just a few years, Java has taken the software culture by storm. Java is the foundation for web and networked services, platform-independent desktops, robotics and other implanted services.
There are some primary goals in Java creation. It should be:
- Simple and object-oriented
- Safe and Secure
- Platform independent
- Portable
- High performance
- Multi-threaded and Dynamic
- Garbage collected
What’s most extraordinary about Java in relation to other programming languages is that it lets you write special programs called applets that can be downloaded from the Internet and played carefully within a web browser.
Java technology, now entering its 15th year, offers different values to different types of users.
- For consumers - Java is the first software technology that works simply without a struggle. Consumers are enchanted to see applications that run consistently on an array of network products – from PCs, game players and mobile phones to home appliances and automotive electronics.
- For business - Java represents performance, flexibility and efficiency.
- For developers - Java allows them to write software on one platform and run it practically on any other platform. It lets them generate multi-threaded programs that run within web browsers.
Hangar 17 is one among the leading offshore software development companies in India, offering specialized Java solutions that are marked by reduced complexity and a secure platform. We have wide range of experience in developing portable, scalable and secure applications based on Java Technologies. We have proficiency in the entire spectrum of Java technology which includes Desktop, Enterprise and Embedded technologies.
We have delivered a number of projects for our clients in France including Canada, Suisse, Austria, Belgium, Europe, and Luxembourg in the following areas which are scalable, secure and adaptable.
• Applets
• Desktop applications
• Applets
• Desktop applications
At present our main area of focus is in developing solutions for Engineering Domain (Climate Control Machines). Highly complex systems can be represented in 2D and 3D format. With more than 13 years of web service, Hangar 17 has expertise in open source java framework including Cofax, Grails and Ofbiz. These frameworks are independent of any domain and can accommodate new areas.
Find more information of our Java development http://www.hangar17.com/fr/developpement-applications-java-offshore-inde.htm?Itemid=101
excellent post.....very useful for my career